Ruben Wolff

Ruben Wolff Profile Picture

Independent Consulting

  • Designed and lead the implementation team for a new enterprise wide real time message bus. The new system could auto-scale up to 30000 messages per second which could be read via streaming, big data bulk or API access with full access control over active directory. Real time Machine learning models where utilized to align multiple IOT sensors for most accurate ball and player tracking as well as player action classification.
      Consulting Client: Sports events company in the top 5 worldwide
  • Prototyped a series of models to improve "eDiscovery" like work in the Swiss legal context for one of the countries largest white collar crime cases. Models included NLI (sentence contradiction / agreement classification), semantic document similarity search, document classification image+text and simple OCR.
      Client: Initially a Swiss law firm but now the project as spun out into a separate company competing with Relativity in the Swiss market
      Legal Tech NLPXLM-robertaBERTDistilBERTFAISS
  • Machine learning advisor for a oracle node reputation scoring system.
      Client: small community governed oracle network on Binance smartchain
      BlockchainBinance Smartchain
  • Advanced predictive risk models (for NEC, ROP, IVH, CLD, and Sepsis) for the neonatal ICU.
      Client: One of the largest Neonatal care providers in the USA
      Deep learningH2OR
  • Length of Stay prediction in burn patients.
      Client: Altonaer Children’s Hospital, Hamburg. (Related Publication)
      RRandom Forest

Past Startups

Past Consulting with DOne Solutions

  • Data Architecture Big Data for Stock Exchange HadoopSparkCloudera
  • Distributed Algorithm for Order Book state reconstruction from historical trade data SparkScala
  • Medical Claim Embedding Space from Medical Insurance Metadata RSent2Vec
  • Medical Records Diabetes Risk Prediction RirlbaH2O
  • Medical Insurance Claims Adjudication Automation RC++Python
  • Claim Processing Time/Complexity prediction R
  • Automate Model refresh loop of Productive Machine learning Model (Data acquisition, Model training, Model Evaluation, Hot swap productive model behind live API) RC++SQL-ServerREST API
  • Data warehouse Modeling and Generation Package C#SQL Server
  • Data Architecture Data warehouse Belgium Health insurance Data-Vault
  • Deployment Automation Data warehouse AnsibleOracleSybaseInformaticaSQL Server

Past Jobs

  • Data Science intern at Credit Suise investigating market behavior time series datasets and developing algorithmic trading strategies Gamma TradingVolatility PredictionRScalaC#
  • Software Developer at Tufts Medical Center developing a Personalized Oncology Drug Suggestion Tool Reinforcement LearningMatlabPHP
  • Neuroscience Researcher at University Of Texas At Dallas leading a Guanfacine Selective Attention inVivo Study NeurobiologyAdrenergic receptorsMatlab


Past Talks

  • Automating insurance claim processing: Using NLP methods to learn sparse spaces - at - SDS 2018 Slides
  • The surprising Utility of NLP algorithms on non Text data - at - SwissText 2018 - agenda
  • Machine Learning mustn't be a Black box - at - Certificate of Advanced Studies ZFH in Claims Management (12 ECTS) - slides
  • Real Life Benchmarking - at - SQL server 2016 launch event - slides
  • Digitize the Data Store - at - Common Sense 1702 - slides - video